Wednesday, January 1, 2025

New Year, Same Lies.

I grew up believing that Smith Mountain Lake was the ocean. 

I know that seems crazy, but my entire childhood I was told that “we were going to the ocean” and we would drive to Smith Mountain Lake. 
When I was a child, my sisters and I would often beg my mom to take us places and go do stuff with us - one of them being to visit the ocean. Not only did we live in the mountains of Virginia, but can you imagine driving 4-5 hours across the state to visit the ocean with 3 bad kids fighting the whole way? 

My mom was smarter than us, took us to a lake and said, “Here ya go kids. This is the ocean.” 

Honestly, shout out to my mom. That was a genius move. It satisfied our need for the water and probably saved our family a bunch of time and money. As a parent today, I totally lie to my kids sometimes for that very purpose. Judge me all you want - but you know you probably have done the same. 

If you think about it - that really was a perfect solution. In fact, for a solid summer or two anytime we asked to go to the ocean we would hit that lake and it was heaven. We were ignorant and didn’t know any better - and we still had fun. No harm, no foul. 

Until one day in English class, our assignment was to write about a day at the ocean. 

I remember writing my essay about how I loved the trees and the mountains on the other side of the ocean. I remember discussing in detail thinking about swimming across the ocean and back. I remember talking about the pontoon boats and the bass and trout people would catch - and how there was a small grill there where you could get burgers and hot dogs to eat. 

After the assignment was over, we had to present our writings in front of the class. 

As I sat and listened to my classmates, I was a bit confused. 

They talked about how hot the sand was, and how big the waves were. They talked about the saltiness of the water - and how it blew their mind when they could not see to the other side. 

When it was finally my turn to read, I presented my work with confidence with a few kids laughing and joking at me. After I was done, even the teacher was smiling and giggling. She said, “Kevin, I told you to write about the ocean, not the lake.” 

“I did! This is the ocean!” I declared - only for kids to laugh and say things like, “What kind of ocean is that?!” 

I stepped down from the spotlight with my world turned upside down - realizing that my entire life was a lie. What’s next? Is Santa not real?! (Don't get me started with that heartbreak a few years later). 

You Got Got. 

The reality is - I am not the first person to have their parents lie to them. In fact - your parents have told you so many lies it’s not even funny. 

“You cannot ride in the car with the light on - the police will arrest you.” 
“Every time you flick the light on and off it costs $1” 
“If you cross your eyes they will get stuck that way.” 

We have all been fed innocent, simply lies. However, if you think about it - why did they lie to us? 

Because the lies we believed affected our actions. 

Think about it. 

Why did they tell you about the police pulling you over? Because you got scared and turned the light off. 
Why did they tell you it cost $1 to turn the light switch on and off? Because you were being crazy annoying flicking them off and on and they wanted you to stop. 
Why did they tell you your eyes would get stuck? Because they wanted you to stop doing that.

And as innocent as these lies were - they established exactly what our parents intended. 

We stopped crying about going to the ocean and settled for a lake. 

Where am I going with this? 

In John 8, Jesus is talking about Satan - and one of the things he says is very interesting: 

For you are the children of your father the devil, and you love to do the evil things he does. He was a murderer from the beginning. He has always hated the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, it is consistent with his character; for he is a liar and the father of lies.

Later, Jesus would also say this about Satan in John 10:13 - 
The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life. 

Here we discover 3 truths about Satan, and I want to share them with you: 

1) Satan wants to destroy you. 
I don’t think people truly understand the weight of Jesus’ words. 

Satan does not want to make you have a bad day. He doesn't want you to wait in traffic or get you sick. 

He literally wants to kill you. 
He wants you dead.
He wants to destroy your marriage. 
He wants to destroy your children. 
He wants to destroy everything about you. 

The apostle Peter once compared Satan to a roaring lion - and I thought it was great imagery. If a giant lion were in the middle of the field with you, you would make sure you give that lion all of your attention. You wouldn’t take your eyes off of it, and you would calculate every move you make very carefully - because you recognize the danger of the situation. One wrong move and you are lunch. 

How much more should we be aware of our enemy, Satan, who wants nothing more than to annihilate us?! 

2) Satan’s number one weapon against you is making you believe a lie. 

I want you to note all of the things that Jesus doesn’t mention about Satan in John 8. 

He doesn’t talk about how strong he is. 
He doesn’t mention how scary he is. 
He doesn’t mention how powerful he is. 

All he warns us against is the fact that Satan is a very, very good liar. 

He is so good at lying that he doesn't even have to think about it. It comes so naturally to him - the same way you and I just speak our first language without any effort at all. 

I have been a pastor for more than 10 years, and I am convinced that the number one weapon Satan has and the number one goal he wants is to simply make you believe a lie. 

From the very beginning of time, after God told her clearly to not eat from this fruit, Satan plants a lie in Eve’s head.

“Did God really say that?” 
“Are you sure?” 
“No, that’s not true.” 
“God is lying to you.”
“God is holding out on you.” 
“This fruit is actually good.” 
“You are going to be better for it.” 

His goal was to not hurt her or be mean to her or ruin her day. His goal was simple: make her believe something that is not true. 

And thousands of years later - he does the same thing to you. 

Every single day, Satan feeds you a lie. 

These lies come in all shapes and sizes, but a lot of them look like this: 

“You are all alone.” 
“No one cares about you.” 
“You can’t do it.” 
“You better not tell anyone.” 
“You have let people down.” 
“You have let God down.” 
“God doesn't love you.” 
“You can never recover.” 
“God will never forgive you.”  

And while you digest and download all of these lies, something happens. Just like us as children and just like Eve, it gives birth to our actions - which brings me to the last truth: 

3) Believing Satan’s lies will affect the way you live your life. 

It is amazing to think about how many people out there are the only thing getting in their own way - simply because they believe something that is not true. 

It’s amazing how many addicts go back to their drug of choice because they believe the lie - “I can’t change.” 
It’s amazing how many friendships have ended because they have believed the lie, “I don’t think they like me.” 
It’s amazing how many marriages have failed because they believe the lie, “I married the wrong person.” 
It’s amazing how many parents threw in the towel because they believed the lie, “I’m not a good mom/dad.” 
It’s amazing how many people never step foot into a church or even attempt to talk to God because they believe the lie - “It’s too late for me.”  

And just like Eve, we believe this lie, and it affects us in our actions. 

We do things that we would not normally do. 
We don’t do things that we would otherwise do. 
We base our entire life living as if the ocean is just a lake 
And we wonder why everyone else around us has such a different viewpoint. 

The worst part is that this prison of lies is self inflicted. 

Satan does not have to spend any more time on you once you have believed this lie - because you are literally locking yourself in, freeing him up to move on to do other things. 

What Now? 

Now, before you think, “Dang son what a Debbie downer for a New Year’s Day blog” - I promise I’m getting somewhere with this. 

The good news is that while Satan is a master of lying, at any given moment - we can reject these lies. 

In fact, it is Jesus who says in John 8 - “And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” 

And as we kick off this new year, my prayer would be that right now, in this moment - you might start to shed the lies that have entangled you and affected your life up until this moment. I’m not sure who you are and what you are going through - but I do believe the antidote to Satan and his lies is pretty universal. I don’t know that this is the complete or thorough process of overcoming lies, but it is what I have found to be helpful in my life. 

1. Discover The Lie 

You know in AA - they have this rule, “The first step is admitting you have a problem?” 

It’s because, though it seems so small, you cannot do anything else without coming to this realization. 
Some of you have believed lies for so long - that right now you just need to wake up and realize that none of what you have been fed is true. 

Do you really think you are all alone? Bologna. 
They’re are so many people out there who care about you and love you and want you to succeed and thrive. 

Do you really think you can’t change? Pshh. 
Dude God has fixed so many more broken people than you. Paul who wrote half the New Testament killed tons of people. If God can fix HIM - your problems are probably a walk in the park to God. 

Do you really think God is disappointed in you? Lies. 
God is relentlessly chasing you down - hoping you would turn to him and come back home. The same way I would never stop looking for my kids if they were lost, God is never going to stop looking for you. It is you that are on the run - not Him. In fact, Jesus says that He wants you to have a rich and satisfying life with purpose - not a life full of guilt and shame that you are probably experiencing right now. 

Whatever lie Satan has fed you - it is just that: a lie. 

Find it. Call it out. Talk to someone about it. Talk to God about it. Do some counseling and discover it. Dig it out. Cut it out. Wake up and realize that it is not true - and you do not have to live your life accordingly. 

2. Discover The Truth 

While you continue to search for the lie, you will simultaneously be searching for the truth as well - which is huge. After all, the actual ocean is WAY bigger and better than a lake. 

I would challenge you to read God’s word and discover the truth about what He says about you. 

You will discover truths like: 

God created you unique and special in Psalm 139 - 
You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body 
and knit me together in my mother’s womb. 
14 Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! 
Your workmanship is marvelous—how well I know it. 
15 You watched me as I was being formed in utter seclusion, 
as I was woven together in the dark of the womb. 
16 You saw me before I was born. 
Every day of my life was recorded in your book. 
Every moment was laid out 
before a single day had passed.

God reassuring you that you are important to Him and He is in control in Matthew 10 - 
What is the price of two sparrows—one copper coin? But not a single sparrow can fall to the ground without your Father knowing it. 30 And the very hairs on your head are all numbered. 31 So don’t be afraid; you are more valuable to God than a whole flock of sparrows. 

God having a love for you that will never be interrupted in Romans - 
38 And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love. 39 No power in the sky above or in the earth below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord. 

And truths like God celebrating the day you decide to come home in Luke 15 
“In the same way, there is joy in the presence of God’s angels when even one sinner repents.” 

Dive into God’s word. Listen to Him. Believe Him. 

Let your maker and creator be the one to tell you who you are - not Satan. 

And when you do that, it will inevitably lead you to discover the true one who can set you free - Jesus. 

3. Discover Jesus 

In John 10:9-10, Jesus says this - 
Yes, I am the gate. Those who come in through me will be saved. They will come and go freely and will find good pastures. 10 The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life. 

Jesus makes a bold claim - that even though Satan has been lying to you in order to kill, steal and destroy - I want to do the opposite. 

For all of those who listen and hear Him, Jesus promises that what He says is true, and that it will lead to a life full of satisfying purpose and fulfillment. 

The challenge is - Jesus often says the complete opposite of what Satan says - and it is often very extreme. 

Satan says “Get your revenge”, Jesus says, “Let it go.” 
Satan says “Three strikes you’re out,” Jesus says, “Never stop forgiving people.”
Satan says “Indulge in what you see,” Jesus says, “Practice self control and self denial.”
Satan says “You’re too far gone,” Jesus says, “You are invaluable."
Satan says “Death is the end,” Jesus says “Hold my beer.” 

Ok if you didn’t laugh at that last joke I’m the one who is actually offended because that was a really good joke lol. Dude turned water into wine yall calm down. 

But don’t you see?! 

There is an all out war going on right now for you and your soul - and it has nothing to do with swords or guns and everything to do with who you are going to choose to believe. 

Îsnt that why it says in Ephesians 6 - 
For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places. 

And the very next verse states - 
13 Therefore, put on every piece of God’s armor so you will be able to resist the enemy in the time of evil. Then after the battle you will still be standing firm. 14 Stand your ground, putting on the belt of truth and the body armor of God’s righteousness.

We reject Satan’s lies by learning and living the truth from God. And the truth is that following Jesus leads to life. In fact, Jesus himself says in John 14:6 - I am the way, the truth and the life. 

My prayer for you today and throughout this year would be that you wake up to the lies around you, discover the truth by reading God’s word, and ultimately come face to face with the Savior of the world. 

If you are interested in talking more about Jesus - how to follow Him or lies you have been struggling with, I’d love to continue that dialogue - either below in the comments or in a message. 

I love you all. 

And no matter what goes through your head today - don't believe Satan. This is going to be your best year yet.

- Kevin 


Monday, November 27, 2023

I hate being called pastor.

Can I let you in on a little secret? 

I hate being called pastor. 

It is literally the worst. 

I meet new people every single day, and I genuinely love talking to others and getting to know them. However, the moment they learn that I’m a “pastor?!” Everything gets weird. 

They stop cussing around me. They ask me hard theology questions. They start hating on their church, or my church, or all churches. The conversation just changes and everything becomes different. 

Plus - have you ever considered the stereotype that comes with the title of Pastor? 

It means I’m supposed to be perfect! It means I don’t sin. It means I know all of the answers to every question you may ever have about the Bible. To me, it sets this invisible high standard that you may think about me - but on the inside, I know for a fact I am so far from what you think I am. 

I hate being called pastor. 


You know what I do like being called? 


That’s my name. That’s a better representative of what you are going to get when you talk to me: 

  • A down to earth guy who is easily distracted and always has to fight back a natural joke brewing in his head. 
  • A guy who loves basketball and loud rap music and is possibly the most impatient driver you’ll ever meet in your entire life. 
  • A husband who is not always the best husband; a dad who is not always the best dad; a follower of Jesus who fails every single day. 

My name is Kevin. 

Yet, the older I get and the more that our church grows - the more people continue to call me this term “pastor.” 


A few years ago I met a pastor who did not know that I was also a pastor. 

We talked for a while and he told me about what he does. He took pride in his job and in his church - and I believe he truly loved the title “pastor” (which is totally fine by the way). But when I told him what I did for a living, he laughed and thought I was joking with him. 

When he discovered that I was not indeed joking, he apologized and worried about offending me. However, the reality is that he did the complete opposite; I was thrilled. 

He viewed me as a regular person. He viewed me as this tatted-up hood rat guy in blue jeans who lacked tact and proper vocabulary. And here’s the kicker: he was spot on. 


I’ve been reading this book recently called “Good Shepherd’s smell like sheep.” 

It is pretty straightforward with the title, and the whole idea is that if you are going to be a “good” pastor, you better not create a barrier between you and your people. 

In Jesus’ day, they had special teachers called “Pharisees” who often taught very difficult things to people and elevated themselves much higher than those around them. Jesus actually calls them out in Matthew 23 - 

“The teachers of religious law and the Pharisees are the official interpreters of the law of Moses. 3 So practice and obey whatever they tell you, but don’t follow their example. For they don’t practice what they teach. 4 They crush people with unbearable religious demands and never lift a finger to ease the burden. 5 “Everything they do is for show.” 

To be a good pastor means you are not in it for the show - but that you are there to help teach and lift that burden. You are not “above” others - you are below them, serving them, guiding them. In the same way, a good shepherd smells like sweat, dirt, and animal waste, a pastor is not too good to love people who have dirty, messy lives. 

After all, when we look at Jesus, He is constantly hanging out with people who don’t have it all together. He shared company with thieves, rebels, and prostitutes, and he openly welcomed them as friends. In fact, the number one question He is constantly asked is not “How do you get to heaven?” Or “Where do I find God?;” The number one question He gets asked is “Why are you hanging out with those people?” 


Those people. 

Why are you hanging out with people who are cussing?

Why are you hanging out with people who are tatted up?

Why are you hanging out with people who are hotheads? 

Why are you hanging out with people who are addicted? 

Why are you hanging out with people who are cheating? 

Why are you hanging out with people who sell drugs?

Why are you hanging out with people who are violent? 

Why are you hanging out with people who hate God? 

Why are you hanging out with people who hate church? 

Why are you hanging out with people who hate Jesus? 

Why are you hanging out with those people? 

And it’s in this moment where I feel the tension from being called “Pastor.” 

Because honestly, I connect less with the title “Pastor” and more with the title “those people.” 

I am a person who has lived an incredibly selfish life. 

I am a person who has tried multiple times and failed. 

I am a person who has made tons of mistakes and had no idea how to get home. 

But can we just thank God that Jesus came and hung out with people like me? 

Because of His grace, I have been changed and transformed and God is still working on me today. 

I am no different than anyone else - I am saved and forever grateful to have a spot at the table with Jesus in the life to come. 

And the reason I don’t want you to call me Pastor is because I want you to know that I’m more like “those people” than I am like a pastor. 

So when you tell me your struggles, I get it. 

When you tell me your pain, I hear you. 

When you explain your broken situation, my heart is right there with you. 

Because I have been there, and I know how terrible that feeling is. 

If anyone gets it, I get it. 

But most importantly, Jesus gets it. 

And if anyone can change your life, it will be Him. 


As I am writing this, someone literally just texted me and said “Hey Pastor Kevin” lol. 

I suppose I cannot get rid of this title. It is not a bad thing, and if anything, I hope I can help improve the stereotypes that come with it. 

If God has called me to be a pastor, I’ll be a pastor. I’m thankful for the incredible church and the people He has allowed me to lead over the years. 

Just please remember that although you call me Pastor - I’m not some superhuman holy priest. I am just a broken guy whom Jesus has saved and is continually working on. 

So in the meantime, just call me Kevin. 


Your Pastor :) 

Saturday, April 16, 2022

I'm not feeling Easter this year.

Can I be honest with you? 

I’m not feeling Easter at all this year. 

Woah woah woah - I know, I know, I’m not allowed to say that. 

On one hand, I have a TON of reasons to be pumped about tomorrow: 

  • This is Micah’s first Easter
  • This is Brooke’s first Easter with us 
  • This is our first Easter as a family of four 
  • This is our first official Easter at Canvas Church 
  • My daughter is getting baptized tomorrow
  • We had an incredible Glow In The Dark Egg Hunt Friday with 400+ people in attendance
  • We have an awesome Easter Worship service planned tomorrow 
  • My wife bought those dope skittle brand jelly beans and they S L A P 

The list goes on and on. I truly have so much to look forward to tomorrow. 

On the other hand, I am Kevin McNeil. 

  • I’m supposed to be loud and funny and outgoing. 
  • I am big and extraverted and love talking - 
  • Any social gathering usually gets me pumped. 

But if I’m honest with you, its 10:17 PM and I dont want to do anything tomorrow. 

I don’t want to go to bed.
I don’t want to sleep. 
I want to sit and be still and mourn. 

Today while everyone celebrated egg hunts, I had to drive to Virginia and attend a funeral. 

Mason, a former student in my youth ministry, passed away suddenly this week and completely took everyone off guard. 

The service was packed today, full of people who cared about him and his family. It was a great time to laugh, cry, and reflect as we celebrated his life. I got back this evening, and I have to be up really early for church tomorrow. 

And yet, I still sit here. 
Not wanting to do anything. 
Not caring about anything. 

Experiencing all sorts of emotions. 

As I work through what I am feeling, I can’t help but think that this is exactly what the disciples felt like on this same night. 

This guy named Jesus had changed everything in their life - and they were so convinced that He was the one to come and make everything right. And yet, all of that hope was gone when the religious leaders arrested Jesus, beat him, whipped him and killed him. 

They probably felt exactly how I feel right now: 

Angry. Overcome. Defeated. Hurt. Overwhelmed. Sad. Disheartened. Broken. 

Yet, even in my emotions, I know something those disciples did not: 

Tomorrow morning, that same Jesus would rise from the dead, walk out of a tomb, and kick hell in the teeth. 

As I mourn tonight, I do look forward to Easter, but in a much different way. 

I look forward to being reminded that this is not the end. 
I look forward to knowing that Jesus has squashed the enemy of death. 
I look forward to preaching life to people who are stuck in sin that kills us. 

As I mourn one life today, I look forward to new life tomorrow as my daughter makes the decision to put her hope in Jesus. 

One day, it will not be like this. 
One day, He will make everything right. 
One day, He will take all of this pain and hurt and brokenness away. 

But tonight? Jesus weeps with me. 

And tomorrow? I rejoice with Him.  

RIP Mason. Love you my friend. 

Monday, March 29, 2021

The Door That Leads To God - And Why I'll Never Go in.

The Door
Kevin McNeil 
Original Idea from Sam Shoemaker 

There is a door 

That leads to God’s dwelling

A wonderful castle 

Fully compelling 

A place in which 

Man is set free 

Reunited with God 

As intended to be.

There you will find answers 

To mysteries and more 

Yet I rarely go in - 

But I stand at the door. 

No use going inside 

When many are out

Craving to know 

the door's whereabouts 

Lost in the fog 

and roaming around 

Hoping to see 

where the door might be found 

But with great disappointment 

and to their fall 

They reach out their hands 

and find only a wall

A wall where they know 

a door must be 

So I stand at the door -

and I help them see

Finding the door 

is the most important thing 

For this is the door 

That leads to the king

Men feel along the wall

and forever they trod 

Looking for this door 

that leads them to God

Men die outside the door, 

as beggars in the cold 

Looking for the door 

until they grow old

Dying for wanting 

what is right in their grasp 

If only someone reached out 

and put their hand on the latch 

If someone stayed outside 

and helped all these men 

Open this door, 

Walk in, and find Him

To help a man find God - 

and not roam anymore 

To me, nothing else matters - 

so I stand at the door. 

Go in great saints - 

go all the way in! 

Explore the spacious house 

where God’s always been

Dive into the rooms 

with awe and amazement 

Search the attics, the kitchen, 

the porch and the basement 

Ask questions of wonder 

and search all things greater 

Spend nothing but time 

with your wonderful Creator 

I long to be with you 

And the joy of it all 

But it seems my place 

Is closer to the wall 

Yes, as much as I’d love

to go in and explore 

God has called me here -

to help men find the door. 

Not only do I stand here 

to serve as I guide

I stand here also 

for those halfway inside 

For those who make it 

and finally, find the door 

But suddenly decide 

they don’t want it anymore 

Those who become 

overwhelmed by His awe

Who suddenly change their mind 

and don’t want it at all 

Someone must remind them 

of where they have been 

When they searched for years 

but couldn’t get in 

Someone must remind them 

of the life they had before 

And encourage them to keep going 

- so I stand at the door. 

I admire the people 

who find their way through

But I wish they wouldn’t forget

they were once outside too 

Before they got in - 

then they might lend a hand 

And reach those men 

who don’t understand 

Those who haven’t found God

Those who are far astray

Those who maybe found God 

But who want to run away 

Yes you can go in too deep 

and you can stay too long 

So here at this door 

is where I believe I belong 

Close enough to God to hear Him 

And always wanting more

But close enough to men to be here

And help them find the door. 

I’ll stand here at the door 

and help them who scale the wall 

Hundreds. Thousands. Millions. 

There’s no way I’ll reach them all. 

Yes - even If I can only 

help a few to God’s castle 

I’ll stand here forever, 

it’ll be worth the hassle 

Consider standing with me 

and maybe we'll reach double 

But fully expect nothing 

but hardships and trouble. 

The door is uncomfortable 

Not a popular place to be 

And no one will thank you

Your work will not be seen

It's dangerous and scary 

The hardest thing you'll ever do 

Taking someone's hand

And helping them through 

But there is joy in staying

And being a guide 

In fact, there's more joy

Watching others go inside 

Yes, do stay here with me 

and together we’ll reach more 

But even if you can't

- I’ll stay here at the door. 

The idea for this poem is from Sam Shoemaker's, "I Stand at the door." This was shared with me a few years ago and I read it almost monhtly. It bothered me so much that it didn't rhyme, so I rewrote it and figured I would share it with you. Hope you enjoy it!


Thursday, February 25, 2021

Grateful & Unworthy

This was a morning prayer of mine, and I felt like I should share. The words came easily from my mind - and I think it's a helpful reminder to remember that He is the center of everything - not us (and certainly not me). 

Father, thank you for Jesus. 

Thank you for second chances.

Thank you for your mercy and grace and for completely changing my life.

I am a blessed man with everything I need and want. 

God, you are truly good. And you allow the weak to rise up and lead the strong. 

You allow those who are foolish to outsmart the ones with knowledge. 

Only You can do things like that. 

The glory doesn’t go to the weak or the foolish - 

But it goes to you. 

God help that to be said about my life. 

At the end of my days - help all the credit and glory and honor go to you. 

Not to me - lest it all be wasted in vain - 

Because I wouldn’t be here without you. 

You created me. 

You blessed me. 

You provided me mentors.

You provided me daily bread. 

You provided me wisdom.

You provided me grit.

You pulled me out of the pit, gave me a fresh start, and instilled a fire in my bones to tell others about you. 

You’ve given me an incredible wife and now, a son. 

You've given me a team of people who are incredibly talented. 

God, I am who I am - and I am where I am because of who YOU are. 

Help me to lead a life that you want me to lead. 

Help me to plant this church and help people discover you the way that I have. 

Help me to be the best dad ever to my son.

Help me to be the best husband ever to my wife.

Help me to love people the way you loved me. 

Help me to be the most committed follower to you. 

But at the end of it all - don’t give me any credit. 

Take it all for yourself. 

Because it all belongs to you. 

“When a servant comes in from plowing or taking care of sheep, does his master say, ‘Come in and eat with me’? No, he says, ‘Prepare my meal, put on your apron, and serve me while I eat. Then you can eat later.’ And does the master thank the servant for doing what he was told to do? Of course not. In the same way, when you obey me you should say, ‘We are unworthy servants who have simply done our duty.’”

Luke 17:7-10 - NLT 

Thursday, January 7, 2021

Why I'm not deleting anyone after DC Riots.

I have 3,000 friends on Facebook. 3,000! That's nuts. (I'm basically a small celebrity)

However, over the past 24 hours, there has seemed to be this trend where my friends have posted their opinions and, as a result, have been deleted or deleted anyone who might oppose that opinion. In fact, most people have ended their posts with "feel free to delete me if you disagree." 

I, however, will absolutely not. In fact... 

I won’t ever delete you. 

  • You, the one who is posting constantly about how this election has been corrupt and voter fraud is being covered up. 
  • You, the one who is outraged at the riot yesterday, claiming more arrests should have been made and comparing it to the George Floyd riots. 
  • You, the one who hates Democrats and thinks they are all delusional and lazy. 
  • You, the one who hates Republicans and thinks they are rich snobs that control everything. 
  • You, the one who shouts, “Donald Trump!” and, “Blue Lives Matter!” 
  • You, the one who shouts, “Joe Biden!” and, “Black Lives Matter!” 


Why won’t I delete you? 

A few reasons: 

  1. You have a good point.

There is a reason that you believe what you do. You have come to this conclusion and you can probably make some strong arguments for why you believe that. I want to hear those arguments, and I want to learn from you - not delete you lol. I want to ask you more questions. I want to see through the world through your eyes. Proverbs 27 says, “As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend.” I want to discuss this further with you because it means that we will both become sharper at the end of that conversation! 

    At the core of it, isn’t that what learning and wisdom is all about? 

2) It’s too easy. 

When I was a kid, I used to see those commercials of starving kids in Africa - and I would always turn the channel because it made me feel bad. However - just because I turned the channel - it didn’t mean that these kids weren’t there anymore. They were still there, they were still hungry - but I just couldn’t see it anymore. If I can’t see it - it’s not a problem, right? 

Me deleting you is like changing the channel - pretending like you aren’t here. It’s me pretending that your opinion doesn’t matter because I can’t see it. I refuse to act like my viewpoint is the only viewpoint on any issue. I refuse to not see the holes in my own arguments and neglect the other side of the issue. You bring that to the table. It’s too easy to delete you and pretend. I want to keep you and be challenged. 

3) I care more about you than your politics. 

Your beliefs and your politics can change. In fact, I’d dare say that your beliefs and your politics should change. But YOU? You are way bigger than politics. 

You are awesome. You are funny. You have a kind heart. You are smart. You are skilled. You have a ton of wisdom in a certain field. You are talented. You have a purpose. You matter to other people in this world. You were created by God and made in His image - and He sent His son to die for you. You matter to God - and you absolutely matter to me. I care way more about Jesus and His kingdom than I do about politics that cause way more division than anything else. 

I get it. We disagree. That’s a good thing. Let’s continue to disagree and iron out what we believe and why we believe it. Some of the greatest friends in my life are the ones who had the guts to call me out on stuff and challenged me when I was in the wrong. It would have been so much easier for them to cut me out and drop me - but they stayed - and they helped me get where I am today. 

I refuse to end the relationship/friendship I have with you over two old men named Joe and Don who will never even know my name. Honestly, I’d rather hang out with you over those guys any day (let’s be real). 

Friends, don’t buy into the hype of us versus them. Don’t let Satan get in between us and separate us more than what we already are. Let us love each other even when times are difficult and tensions are high. At the end of the day, let us be known not by our politics or stance - but our compassion and our love. 

And if, for some reason, you were offended by this blog/post…

You can just delete me ;) 

32 “If you love only those who love you, why should you get credit for that? Even sinners love those who love them! 33 And if you do good only to those who do good to you, why should you get credit? Even sinners do that much! 34 And if you lend money only to those who can repay you, why should you get credit? Even sinners will lend to other sinners for a full return. 

35 “Love your enemies! Do good to them. Lend to them without expecting to be repaid. Then your reward from heaven will be very great, and you will truly be acting as children of the Most High, for he is kind to those who are unthankful and wicked. 36 You must be compassionate, just as your Father is compassionate.  - Luke 6:32-36